Just one more.
I’m fine.
I’m a great driver.
It’s just a short drive.
These are just a few of the common excuses people give for driving under the influence.
But misunderstanding the deadly effects of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol could be the worst mistake of your life! Keep reading to understand the facts that debunk 12 of the most common and dangerous drinking and driving myths.
Myth: Coffee Will Sober You Up.
Fact: Caffeine does not affect your impairment level, warns MoniTech.
Myth: Beer and Wine Don’t Impair as Much as Hard Liquor
Fact: Alcohol is still alcohol. A 12 oz beer has as much alcohol as a 1.5 oz whiskey or 5 oz of wine, according to Alcohol Alert.
Myth: Driving Slowly Will Get You Home Safe
Fact: Driving after drinking is unsafe at any speed. In fact, driving too slowly will make you a traffic hazard and could cause a crash.
Myth: Experienced Drivers Can Get By with a Little Impairment
Fact: One drink is enough to impair the judgment and reflexes of experienced drivers.
Myth: Eating Before Drinking Will Lower Your Impairment Risk
Fact: Eating might slow the absorption of alcohol, but doesn’t prevent it. Eating can make you feel alcohol’s effects less quickly, meaning you might end up drinking more.
Myth: A Splash of Cold Water and an Open Car Window Will Help
Fact: These efforts might raise alertness for a few moments, but do not change your impairment level.
Myth: Heavier People Can Handle Their Alcohol Better and Can Safely Drink and Drive.
Fact: Body size does figure into the rate alcohol affects you, but one drink slows motor skills, vision, and judgment for everyone.
Myth: Mouthwash Will Mask Alcohol in a Breathalyzer Test.
Fact: Mouthwash will not mask the smell of alcohol because it contains alcohol. It can even register as “under the influence” on a breathalyzer or vehicle interlock device if you haven’t been drinking.
Myth: You Know Your Limit.
Fact: Most people think “a couple” is the safe limit for what they can drink before driving. But “a couple” can impact you differently depending on the size and type of drink, what you’ve eaten, how tired you are, and your own size, weight, and individual constitution. If an officer decides you’re impaired, you can still get a DWI charge, even if you’re under the legal limit. And if you cause an injury or death, it won’t matter if you only had “one more.”
Myth: A BAC Lower Than .08 is Considered Safe by Experts.
Fact: Safety organizations like the NTSB and the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine now consider .08 to be too high. Many experts now consider .05 BAC a better limit, and quite a few countries use .02 for good reason. Above .02 there is already some deterioration to your coordination, reflexes, and judgment.
If No One Gets Hurt Then it’s Not a Big Deal
Fact: It’s highly likely that you’ll cause an injury or death if you drive while under the influence. Even if you avoid causing or incurring injuries, there will still be a heavy price to pay. DWI convictions have serious legal consequences that can affect your whole life. In New York, first-time DWI convictions can result in fines, jail time and license suspension, and the penalties increase with second or third offenses, according to Attorneys.com.
You Can Only Be Arrested for DWI if You’re Behind the Wheel of a Moving Vehicle. Fact: It’s possible to make the smart decision to avoid driving while under the influence, but still be arrested and charged with DWI. How? You can be charged with a DWI while sleeping in or even near your vehicle if law enforcement decides that you could have had the intent to operate your vehicle while under the influence.
Remember that when driving, a BAC of zero is best, since getting behind the wheel means taking your life and the lives of countless other people into your hands. In addition, when driving under the influence, you’re risking negative consequences such as fines, jail time, and a criminal record that can continue to impact your life and opportunities indefinitely.
If you’ve been arrested in Westchester County or White Plains, NY, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to help argue your case. Maybe you were arrested for a DWI while in your vehicle but never intended to drive? Maybe you were involved in an accident but were not responsible for all the damages you’re being charged with? Whatever your case, contact Darren DeUrso at 914.772.8614 or online.
Darren DeUrso, Attorney at Law
188 East Post Road, Suite 300
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: 914.772.8614
Fax: 914-833-9788